ASSURANT® Capabilities Mapping to DoD Cybersecurity Test and Evaluation Guidebook

With the ASSURANT® Suite of software tools, you will feel secure knowing your cyber vulnerabilities have been addressed and you have the documentation to prove it.

ASSURANT® Capabilities Mapping to DoD Cybersecurity Test and Evaluation Guidebook2024-08-23T09:30:19-05:00

The DoD has established an over-arching process to guide the Test and Evaluation community in assessing cybersecurity and resilience in weapon systems. The DoD publication Cybersecurity Test and Evaluation Guidebook outlines the process, identifies activities to be performed, and calls out documents to be produced during the system development process. While developed for the acquisition community as guidance in the procurement of new systems, the Guidebook and the processes described are applicable to and valuable for system development, modernization, and cyber awareness assessment at any stage in the system lifecycle.

KBSI has constructed an IDEF-0 model of the process described in the Guidebook to assist with understanding the complex task of performing cybersecurity within the Test and Evaluation community. The IDEF-0 model of activities to which this table refers can be found here. We encourage other providers of cybersecurity tooling to use this model as a reference to identify where and how their tools can be used to support the test and evaluation process.

The table matrix below describes “How and Where” the ASSURANT® Suite capabilities fits into the Guidebook’s process to aid the Test and Evaluation community cybersecurity understanding and evaluations. As the ASSURANT® Suite matures and is enhanced, this table will be updated to reflect new capabilities.

The IDEF-0 model of activities to which this table refers can be found here.

Table Key:

  • [P] performs the function
  • [S] supports (partially implements) the function)
  • [I] informs (manages data relevant to) the function
  • [C] captures and manages data from the function
  • [U] utilizes data from the function

NODE DoD CT&E ASSURANT Suite® Capability
A0 Assess Cyber Security Risk
A1 ~Phase 1: Understand Cyber Security Requirements
A11 ~~Compile Cybersecurity Requirements and Security Resources
A111 ~~~Examine Cybersecurity Standards [S] Contains catalog of compliance standards
A112 ~~~Examine Operational Resilience Requirements [S] User identification of critical operational components
A113 ~~~Examine System Cyber Survivability Requirements [S] Model of system is effective reference
A12 ~~Prepare for Phase 3 & 4 DT&E
A121 ~~~Develop the Initial DEF
A1211 ~~~~Define Security Capabilities [S] Supports identification of mitigations required
A1212 ~~~~Determine Evaluation Data Needed
A1213 ~~~~Determine Test Activities Needed [S] User Idenitfication of key terrain vulnerabilities
[S] Identifies potential vulnerabilities based on model parameters
A1214 ~~~~Incorporate Test Activities int Test Events and Document
A122 ~~~Identify Supporting Cybersecurity T&E Resources [S] Generated documentation supports justification of T&E resource needs
A123 ~~~Develop the Initial OT Evaluation Framework
A124 ~~~Align RMF Artifacts with the TEMP
A125 ~~~Align DCO Activities to Support the RMF
A126 ~~~Plan and Schedule MBCRA [S] User identification of cybersecurity threats and impacts
A13 ~~Develop Cyber Security T&E Strategy
A2 ~Phase 2: Characterize Attack Surface
A21 ~~Identify the Cyber-attack surface
A211 ~~~Examine System Architecture, Components, and Data Flows
A2111 ~~~~Identify System Components and Interaction Entities [P] System model Identifies system components and interaction entities
A2112 ~~~~Create Attack Surface List [P] User identification of system boundary
[S] User identification and characterization of access points
A2113 ~~~~Identify Key Terrain [S] User identification of system boundary and access point defines attack surface
[S] User-established access point (EP) properties support identification of mission-critical points
[S] User designation of mission-critical elements
A212 ~~~Analyze and Decompose System Mission
A213 ~~~Map Mission Dependencies [S] System model identifies system components, interconnections, and data flows
[S] System model identifies attack surface and access-point parameters
A214 ~~~Examine Roles and Responsibilities
A22 ~~Analyze the Attack Surface [S] System model identifies attack surface and access-point parameters
[S] User identification of threat and impact
A221 ~~~Characterize the Cyber Threat [S] User model of threat (capability, intention, motivation) and threat actors
A222 ~~~Select a Cyber Kill Chain [S] System model identifies attack surface, system components, interconnections, and data flows
[S] Attack Path Analysis identifies attack-path risks
[S] Threat and threat-actor characterixation support threat analysis
A223 ~~~Examine Cyber Effects on System and Mission [S] System model identifies attack surface, vulnerabilities, threats, and impacts
[S] Attack Path identification and analysis support cyber-effects estimates
[S] Threat model characterizes threats and threat actors
A224 ~~~Perform or Update MBCRA [S] System model, threat model, damage model (vulnerabilities and impacts) support planning and execution of MBCRA exersizes, including 'red team' preparation
A23 ~~Document Results and Update Test Planning and Artifacts [S] Document generator has access to all model data and can utilize generic or purpose-built report templates
A231 ~~~Document Results of Cyber-attack Surface Analysis [S] Document generator has access to all model data and can utilize generic or purpose-built report templates
A232 ~~~Develop Threat Vignettes [S] Threat model and attack paths support scripting of attack vignettes
A24 ~~Preprare for Phase 3 and Phase 4 Cybersecurity DT&E events
A241 ~~~Formulate Test Strategy
A242 ~~~Schedule Test Event
A3 ~Phase 3: Identify Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
A31 ~~Plan CVI Test Activities
A311 ~~~Develop Cybersecurity Test Objectives [S] System model identifies attack surface, vulnerabilities, and impacts
[S] Attack path and data path identification support test objective definition and justification
A312 ~~~Plan and Schedule Test Events
A3121 ~~~~Plan Test Events
A31211 ~~~~~Plan System Cyber Survivability Testing [S] System model identifies attack surface, critical components, and attack impacts
A31212 ~~~~~Plan Security Standards Testing [S] Contains catalog of compliance standards
A31213 ~~~~~Plan Operational Resilience Testing [S] System model Identifies critical operational components (user-defined)
A31214 ~~~~~Plan Integrated System Testing
A3122 ~~~~Plan Cyber Test Infrastructure
A32 ~~Conduct DVI Events and Document Results
A321 ~~~Obtain CVI Test Results
A322 ~~~Evaluate Cybersecurity [S] System model, threat model, and damage model provide effective reference for evaluations
[S] Computes risk scores under multiple definitions
A323 ~~~Update MBCRA [S] System model, threat model, damage model (vulnerabilities and impacts) support planning and execution of MBCRA exersizes, including 'red team' preparation
[S] identifies potential mitigations
[S] System model identifies mitigations (user selected or defined) and mitigation properties
[S] Provides support for optimized selection of mitigations, trading off implementation cost, time, and effectiveness
A33 ~~Document CVI Test Results
A34 ~~Prepare for Phase 4 Cybersecurity T&E Evenets
A4 ~Phase 4: Test & Evaluate Adversarial Impact on Critial Functions
A41 ~~Update Cyber Threat Assessment and Kill Chain Analysis
A411 ~~~Update Threat Assessment [S] Threat model identifies threats and threat actors (capability, intention, motivation)
A412 ~~~Update Kill Chain Analysis [S] System model identifies attack surface, system components, interconnections, and data flows
[S] Attack Path Analysis identifies attack-path risks
[S] Threat and threat-actor characterixation support threat analysis
A42 ~~Plan Adversarial DT&E
A421 ~~~Develop Test Objective and Metrics
A4211 ~~~~Develop Test Objectives
A42111 ~~~~~Develop Operational Resilience Test Objectives [S] System model identifies attack surface, vulnerabilities, and impacts
[S] Attack path and data path identification support test objective definition and justification
A42112 ~~~~~Develop System Cyber Survivability Test Objectives [S] System model identifies attack surface, vulnerabilities, and impacts
[S] Attack path and data path identification support test objective definition and justification
A42113 ~~~~~Develop Security Standards Test Objectives [S] Contains catalog of compliance standards
A4212 ~~~~Integrate ACD Results for CVPA Testing
A4213 ~~~~Define Test Metrics
A422 ~~~Define Process and Test Cases
A4221 ~~~~Identify Resources
A4222 ~~~~Develop ROE
A4223 ~~~~Plan Integrated Test [S] System model, threat model, and damage model provide effective reference for planning
A4224 ~~~~Document Test Plans
A423 ~~~Finalize Preparation of Test Infrastructure
A424 ~~~Conduct TRR [S] System model, threat model, and damage model provide effective reference for review
A43 ~~Conduct ACD and Document Results
A431 ~~~Perform ACD Events
A432 ~~~Obtain ACD Reports
A433 ~~~Evaluate Cybersecurity (ACD) [U] Facilitates update of threats, vulnerabilities, targets, impacts, which ensures currency of system model and encourages continuous re-assessment of cyber-risk status
A5 ~Phase 5: Assess Vulnerabilities and Penetration
A51 ~~Plan CVPA
A52 ~~Coordinate with OTA
A53 ~~Execute CVPA & Document Results [U] Facilitates update of threats, vulnerabilities, targets, impacts, which ensures currency of system model and encourages continuous re-assessment of cyber-risk status
A6 ~Phase 6: Assess Adversary Immpact on Missions
A61 ~~Plan Adversarial Assessment (AA) [S] System model, threat model, and damage model provide effective reference for planning
A62 ~~Coordinate with the OTA Team
A63 ~~Execute AA and Document Results [U] Facilitates update of threats, vulnerabilities, targets, impacts, which ensures currency of system model and encourages continuous re-assessment of cyber-risk status
A7 ~Establish the Cybersecurity Working Group (CyWG)
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